
Use Hook in React 18


Use Hook in React 18

This blog post focuses on the new experimental feature in React 18 called the use hook. It explains how the use hook can be used to create custom hooks that can be reused across different components, simplifying state management and making code more modular.

Optimal SEO Performance for NextJS


Optimal SEO Performance for NextJS

In this blog post we'll explore how Next.js can help you optimize your website for search engines From server-side rendering to automatic code splitting we will cover all the features that make Next.js a powerful tool for SEO optimization

How to install OpenVPN using Docker


How to install OpenVPN using Docker

In this article we will be seeing how easy it is to get started with your own OpenVPN server.

How to create an SSH tarpit


How to create an SSH tarpit

A quick an easy way get back at those obnoxious hacker that target to gain SSH access to your Linux server. This article will show you how to trap the hackers in a SSH tarpit.

JavaScript Promises: Promise.all vs Promise.allSettled vs Promise.race vs Promise.any


JavaScript Promises: Promise.all vs Promise.allSettled vs Promise.race vs Promise.any

Ever wanted to be a "Promises whizz". There are a few tricks you can learn to become that through the use of promise static methods for handling an array of promises in JavaScript

Easy PGP Encryption using Node.js


Easy PGP Encryption using Node.js

An easy setup guide on how to begin using PGP Encryption on Node.js

Setup OpenStreetMap Tile Server on Ubuntu 20.x πŸ—Ί


Setup OpenStreetMap Tile Server on Ubuntu 20.x πŸ—Ί

Every wanted tour own Map server so that you don't have to pay those hefty unchecked prices from map tile providers; you can do so and have your own server using OpenStreetMaps. In this article, we are going to learn how to setup OpenStreetMaps OSM Carto as a tile server.

How to Use Tee on Linux


How to Use Tee on Linux

Ever wondered how to read from standard input and write results to standard output and files at the same time? Look no further, tee on Linux lets you do just that with no hassle. In this article, we will discuss the basics of tee with some easy to understand examples.

How to use Screen on Linux to Detach and Reattach your Terminal


How to use Screen on Linux to Detach and Reattach your Terminal

Screen is this awesome software tool in Linux that provides you the ability to spring-up and use multiple shell sessions from a single ssh session. Screen essentially acts as a terminal multiplexer emulator that is packed with features.

Easy Remote Debugging Node.js using VS Code


Easy Remote Debugging Node.js using VS Code

In this post, we will see how to perform remote debugging on a server running heedlessly leveraging the power of an SSH tunnel.

Increase Node.js Memory Limit (Bonus: PM2) πŸ†™


Increase Node.js Memory Limit (Bonus: PM2) πŸ†™

Node.js has memory limitations that you can hit quite easily in production. By default, Node.js (up to 11.x ) uses a maximum heap size of 700MB and 1400MB on 32-bit and 64-bit platforms, respectively. You’ll know this if you ever tried to load a large data file into your Node.js application. How do we work-around this limit?

My Terminal Setup: iTerm2 + ZSH + Powerlevel10k


My Terminal Setup: iTerm2 + ZSH + Powerlevel10k

Be it any type of development, one of the most important tool is the terminal. Through this post I want to share my preferred terminal setup.

How to generate keys for Mutual TLS Authentication πŸ”‘


How to generate keys for Mutual TLS Authentication πŸ”‘

Mutual TLS authentication is a process that ensures that traffic between entities is secure and trusted in both directions between a client and a server. It essentially takes place through a TSL handshake. Here is a quickie on how to generate certificates and perform Mutual TLS Authentication between a client and a server.

How to SSH using Node.js


How to SSH using Node.js

Quick tip on how to build an application that will SSH to servers and run commands using Node.js for automation of commands and complex deployments.

How to send CSV Files with Nodemailer πŸ“¨


How to send CSV Files with Nodemailer πŸ“¨

If you are wondering on how to send files, especially CSV files as attachments in Nodejs, then look no further, we are going to do just that in this post using Nodemailer. I promise you it is going to be easy as cake. 😊

Install Docker on Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic Beaver) 🐳


Install Docker on Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic Beaver) 🐳

One of the most beautiful sights to see is a smooth running development and production environment. Docker makes this a reality with ease 😁. This is one of the main reason docker usage just skyrocketed in a the past couple of years. Well, are you wondering how to get started with installing docker? Look no further, here is a quick tutorial for the most widely use Linux Distro!

Addressing Businesses with the Right Innovation: IoT πŸ“ˆ


Addressing Businesses with the Right Innovation: IoT πŸ“ˆ

IoT is frequently called the 4th Industrial Revolution and revolutions rarely happen without complication. The IoT revolution is no different, it is complicated, because even though there are widespread solutions being developed by developers around the world, there is a key factor that is not taken into account, that is addressing this innovation with integration...

Truth About Being a Full-Stack Developer πŸ‘©β€πŸ’»


Truth About Being a Full-Stack Developer πŸ‘©β€πŸ’»

A full-stack developer is simply someone who is familiar with all layers in computer software development. These developers aren’t experts at everything; they simply have a functional knowledge and ability to take a concept and turn it into a finished product...

Importance of Teaching Children to Code πŸ§’


Importance of Teaching Children to Code πŸ§’

The future most definitely is going to be more and more automated since our reliance on technology will only increase. The children today should not only learn to passively use this technology but also understand and control it...

Node.js 8: util.promisify() πŸ’‘


Node.js 8: util.promisify() πŸ’‘

Node.js 8 has a new utility function: util.promisify(). It converts a callback-based function to a Promise-based one. Since we are on this topic I would like to highlight one of the most straight forward explanation for promises that I have come across by Jecelyn Yeen...

GET query string parameters πŸ’β€β™‚οΈ


GET query string parameters πŸ’β€β™‚οΈ

A utility function to get the value of any query string parameter. We all know that the query string parameters are available for us through window.location (JavaScript Window Location Object). But query string usually turns up as a string and has to be parsed to get the necessary attribute out...

Yarn on the Rise 😺


Yarn on the Rise 😺

Titans such as Facebook and Google have teamed up to make a faster and better package manager in comparison to npm. It is called Yarn. Though, don’t be alarmed this package management tool takes packages from NpmJS and Bower registries supporting parallel dependency installations...

Rick And Morty πŸ‘Ύ


Rick And Morty πŸ‘Ύ

Let me start by saying that I’m very picky and skeptical about all TV shows. Judging from the promos I suspected that it was going to be just another lazily animated show with some cheap comedy and cheap standards. I had never been so wrong. It might seem that is a silly knock off to the β€œBack to the Future” franchise, but it has perks of its own. The hilarious and bizarre adventure of an alcoholic scientist and his awkward grandson. The writing was fantastic and the animation was well crafted...